Mandalay Ocean Breeze House Building Las Terrenas

Mandalay Ocean Breeze House Building Las Terrenas

This house was to be a retirement home for a couple that then decided with the original developer to build a house to sell.

I was the plumbing and pool contractor on the house which was started in November 2011.

The project was stopped and started several times by the client and developer then it stopped totally after teh developer passed away!

In June 2015 I was approached by the owners to take over the partially built property and finish it.

They had already paid for the house in full so the budget was very tight, I had to use existing materials fixtures and fittings.

I offered a very competitive quote which was accepted and work began in July 2015

Architect Design and Plans

We had to adhere to the original plans as most of the grey construction shell and floors were already done!

I did suggest some fantastic additions and changes to enlarge the house but the clients decided they did not want to spend any more money than needed.

The architect was a good friend and helped with the supply of plans and Auto Cad files.

Architects Gallery


  • Lot size
  • 4,0958m2
  • 44,078ft2
  • Construction size
  • 485m2
  • 5,220ft2
  • Bedrooms
  • 1 master suite
  • 3 suites
  • Bathrooms
  • 3 en-suite
  • 1 full
  • Large rectangular  pool
  • 52m2
  • 560ft2
  • Parking
  • Very large open integral garage
  • Gated driveway

House Construction and Finishing

I had a shell to work on but having already worked on the house as the plumbing contractor I was very familiar with the build.

My team knew what was expected and we formally signed contracts and started the works.

With the house sitting for many years a lot of cleaning had to be done and rework on certain items such as the rough cast on the walls and swimming pool.

The works went according to plan except an unwanted tax bill for permits and insurance that the previous developer had not paid!

We delivered a finished house less appliances less than 5 months after we started.

Construction Gallery

The finished House Gallery

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